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Why Choose 
Loreto Abbey?

  • Loreto Abbey offers a contemporary educational experience rooted in the core values of the Loreto tradition.
  • Each girl is treated as an individual, is encouraged to achieve her academic potential and develop into a well rounded person.
  • The relationship between teachers and student is open, relaxed and respectful.
  • There is a strong student support structure and students have a voice in the leadership of the school.
  • A wide subject choice is available and class sizes are small.
  • First Year students sample a range of subjects before making informed choices for Junior Certificate.
  • The Learning Support Department is staffed by qualified personnel who work with parents to maximise student success.
  • A diverse co-curricular programme is on offer for every student.
  • The spiritual lives of students are nurtured and opportunities are provided to work on social justice outreaches.
  • Partnership with parents is promoted through regular communication and through the work of an active Parents’ Association.
  • Our location is close to the Dart and situated overlooking the sea and Dalkey Island, with all the beneficial effects of the waves and the winds making Loreto Abbey one of the most beautifully located schools anywhere in the world.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the fee structure?

    The fees for 2024-2025 are €4,800 per annum. A full fee is not expected in September but can be settled using direct debit over a 9 month period.

  • How many pupils will there be in each class and how will they be organised?

    Approximately a 125 pupils are accepted into First Year. Places are allocated according to our Admissions/Enrolment Policy which is available on our website. Pupils are divided into 5 groups of 25 each. Each class has a tutor teacher with special responsibility for her/his class. A Year Head has responsibility for the entire First Year. In addition each First Year pupil is appointed a “Cara” or friend who is a member of Sixth Year and who will take on the role of older sister to her charge, to ease the settling in process.

  • Will our daughter be in the same class as her friend?

    Pupils are placed in classes at random. When a number of pupils from the same primary school enter the school together, an effort is made to place at least two in the same class. It is not possible, however, to guarantee that particular friends will be in the same group. Pupils are urged to mix freely and to make a number of friends in their new school.

  • What subjects are studied by First Year pupils?

    Entrants from 2020/21 will study for the new Junior Cycle Student Award. Subjects on offer include English, Irish, Maths, History, Geography, Religious Education, Science, P.E., French, German, Spanish, Home Economics, Business, Art, Music and I.T.

  • Are pupils streamed?

    In First Year all classes are of mixed ability.
    From Second Year onwards, classes in Mathematics and Irish are “set” i.e. pupils are graded according to ability and classes of all levels run concurrently to enable movement when necessary. Levels are decided based on performance during First Year.

  • How are subjects decided upon for the Junior Cycle Student Award?

    As pupils approach the end of First Year, they are consulted about their desired choice of subjects for the Junior Cycle. Bands are drawn up based on the wishes of the majority.

  • Is learning support provided for those who need it?

    If a pupil has a known learning difficulty, the school should be advised of this, so that learning support can be provided. Tests administered by the school during First Year may pick up difficulties undetected until this point. Should this happen parents will be advised accordingly. Learning support may necessitate a pupil’s withdrawal from class for individual or small group tuition.

  • Is Guidance & Counselling provided?

    Our Guidance Counsellors are available for all students and a comprehensive guidance and counselling programme is an integral part of the school’s curriculum. Guidance Counsellors meet all First Year students.

  • What sports are played in the school?

    First Years are encouraged to play a sport. While P.E. is part of the curriculum, sports take place after school and/or on Saturday mornings. Hockey and basketball are the two most popular sports in the school and table tennis, athletics and soccer are all available in season. The new Sports Hall allows us to increase the number of sports activities on offer.

  • What other extra-curricular activities are available?

    First Year pupils are encouraged to involve themselves in a range of extra-curricular activities.

    We offer:

    Creative Writing Club
    Irish Club
    History Club
    Science Club
    Debating – English, Irish and German
    Model United Nations
    Justice and Peace Group
    Green Schools Group
    Young Entrepreneurs Scheme

    Pupils with musical ability are encouraged to join one of our musical groups. While choir is part of the curriculum, we also have a Special Choir which competes in the All Island School Choir Competition and an Orchestra. Additionally, members of the Folk Group meet at lunchtime on a voluntary basis.

  • Is supervised study provided?

    Supervised study is available until 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. according to choice. However, since the longer school day combined with a variety of new subjects often proves tiring for First Years, they are not encouraged to stay for supervised study, except when exceptional family circumstances dictate it.

  • What do pupils do during lunchtime?

    All pupils other than Sixth Years remain in school for morning break and during lunch. Pupils are encouraged to bring healthy food and drink for break times. Microwaves are available. Fresh sandwiches, soup, pastas and drinks can be purchased in school if desired.

  • What is the length of the school day?

    Classes begin at 8.45 a.m.
    There is a short break from 10.45 to 11.00 a.m.
    Lunchtime runs from 13.00 to 13.40.
    School finishes at 15:40 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
    On Wednesday, classes finish at 13.00

  • How is contact maintained between school and parents?

    Every pupil has a journal which provides for a brief correspondence between teachers and parents. Formal Parent/Teacher meetings are held once a year. Written reports are issued each term. A Newsletter is circulated approximately weekly. The website contains updated information on the school.