(The relevant person is one who can provide information in respect of how the Child Safeguarding Statement was developed and will be able to provide the statement on request. This person can also be the DLP.)
6th Year Head: Ms Aisling Green
Email: aisling.green@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
5th Year Head: Ms Marie Lonergan
Email: marie.lonergan@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
4th Year Head: Ms Aisling Mooney
Email: aisling.mooney@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
3rd Year Head: Ms Joanne McBreen
Email: joanne.mcbreen@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
2nd Year Head: Ms Colette Gallagher
Email: colette.gallagher@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
1st Year Head: Ms Therese Ryan
Email: therese.ryan@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
Guidance Counsellor: Ms Dara Shortt
Email: guidance@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
Guidance Counsellor: Ms Orla Brophy
Email: guidance@loretoabbeydalkey.ie
Chaplain: Sr Mary Delahunty IBVM
Email: mary.delahunty@loretoabbeydalkey.ie